Fall 2024
Nota Bene: Registered students must submit Quizzes and Exams via the servers. Submit PS for participation credit by the last day of classes.
- Week 1 (8/28)
Meet IN PERSON at Massry Business Center
Review of the Syllabus. Comments on ChatGPT.
Lecture 1 Topics: History of the course. Arithmetic operations in Python. Introduction to functions and scalar data types.
Lecture 2 Topics: Indentation. If-Then logic. Comparison operators. Branching programs. Looping programs: while, for, and range. -
- Syllabus (Version 4!!)
- Lecture 1 video, notebook, and LIVE exercises.
- Lecture 2 video, notebook, and LIVE exercises.
- PS00 and PS01
- Week 2 (9/4)
Meet on ZOOM
Lecture 3 Topics: Linear search versus bisection search. How to use this to compute square roots. Functions and NoneType.
Lecture 4 Topics: Default values for functions. Docstrings. Abstraction. Recursion. Golden Ratio and appearance in Nature. -
- Lecture 3 video, Jupyter notebook, and LIVE exercises.
- Lecture 4 video, Jupyter notebook, and LIVE exercises.
- PS02
- Week 3 (9/11)
Meet IN PERSON at Massry Business Center
Lectures 1--4 Review: What is a program? Using for and while loops. Functions and using return, rather than print. Finding roots of polynomials. Basic Recursion.
Lecture 5 Topics: Python Tutor. Iterative versus Recursive Implementations. Methods on Strings. The Subset-Sum problem. -
- Quiz 1 Practice.
- Lecture 5 video, Jupyter notebook, and LIVE exercises.
- Week 4 (9/18)
Meet on ZOOM
Lectures 6 Topics: Collection Data Types---lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries---and the Edit Distance on Strings.
Lecture 7 Topics: "One Liners" such as list comprehension and lambda functions. Brief introduction to Object Oriented Programming (OOP). -
- Lecture 6 video, Jupyter notebook, and LIVE exercises
- Lecture 7 video, Jupyter notebook, and LIVE exercises.
- Week 5 (9/25)
Meet IN PERSON at Massry Business Center
Quiz 2 Review: Recursion; Operations on Strings and the Hamming Distance; Lists, Dictionaries, Sets, and Tuples; List Comphrension.
Lecture 8 Topics: "One Liners" such as list comprehension and lambda functions. Brief introduction to Object Oriented Programming (OOP). -
- PS03
- Lecture 8 video, Jupyter notebook, and LIVE exercises.
- Week 6 (10/2)
Meet on ZOOM
Lecture 9 Topics: OOP for Mortgages and Plotting.
Lecture 10 Topics: Numpy array operations. Simulating random phenomena. -
- Lecture 9 video, Jupyter notebook, and LIVE exercises.
- Lecture 10 video, Jupyter notebook, and LIVE exercises.
- Week 7 (10/9)
Meet IN PERSON at Massry Business Center
MIDTERM 1: Covers Lectures 1--9. See the server for the practice midterm. - Week 8 (10/16)
Meet on ZOOM
Lecture 11 Topics: Randomness vs. Determinism. Frequency stats. Basic Distributions.
Lecture 12 Topics: Basic Hypothesis Testing: signficance levels, 1 and 2 tail tests. -
- Lecture 11 video, Jupyter notebook, and LIVE exercises.
- Lecture 12 video, Jupyter notebook, and LIVE exercises.
- Week 9 (10/23)
Meet IN PERSON at Massry Business Center
Lecture 13 Topics: Intro to Machine Learning via Regression. The Train-Model-Predict Paradigm
Lecture 14 Topics: Intro to Machine Learning via Classification. Featurization in Aristotle's Taxonomy. Linear classifiers and the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) classifier. -
- Lecture 13 video, Jupyter notebook, and LIVE exercises.
- Lecture 14 video, Jupyter notebook, and LIVE exercises.
- Week 10 (10/30)
Meet on ZOOM
Lecture 15 Topics: Exponential Data, Curse of Dimensionality and Intro to Pandas.
Lecture 16 Topics: Sorites Paradox and K-Means Clustering. -
- Lecture 15 video, Jupyter notebook, and LIVE exercises.
- Lecture 16 video, Jupyter notebook. There is no LIVE notebook for this lecture. Please start work on Project K-Means.
- Week 11 (11/06)
Meet IN PERSON at Massry Business Center
Lecture 17 Topics: Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Lecture 18 Topics: MNIST via PCA+KMeans and KNN. Cluster Purity. Discussion of Project K-Means. -
- Lecture 17 video, Jupyter notebook, and LIVE exercises.
- Lecture 18 video, Jupyter notebook, and LIVE exercises.
- Week 12 (11/13)
Meet on ZOOM
Lecture 19 Topics: The Bias-Variance Tradeoff. K-Fold Cross-Validation.
Midterm 2 Review: Lectures 1--17 with focus on basic coding with lists, NumPy, Matplotlib, regression, and ML concepts. -
- Lecture 19 video, Jupyter notebook, and LIVE exercises.
- Week 13 (11/20)
Meet IN PERSON at Massry Business Center
Lecture 20 Topics: Naive Bayes Classifier. 20 Newsgroup Dataset. -
- Lecture 20 video, Jupyter notebook, and LIVE exercises.
- Week 14 (11/27)
Meet asynchronously due to Thanksgiving Week.
Lecture 21 Topics: Likelihood, Log-Likelihood, and Logistic Regression.
Lecture 22 Topics: Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Separating Hyperplanes. -
- Lecture 21 video, Jupyter notebook, and LIVE exercises.
- Lecture 22 video, Jupyter notebook.
- Week 15 (12/04)
Meet IN PERSON at Massry Business Center
Lecture 23 Topics: Decision Trees, Entropy, and ID3. The Titanic Dataset.
Lecture 24 Topics: Looking Towards the Future. -
- Lecture 23 video, Jupyter notebook, and LIVE exercises.
- Lecture 24 video, and Jupyter notebook.